No 1 Blogger India

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  Blogger name: Amit Agarwal
  • blogger name:Amit  Agarwal.                                             
  • location : New Delhi,India.
  • Monthly Earning:60,000(Estimated)                                                        
  • Age:38 years
  • Blog/
  • Alexa Global Rank:11,868
    A Bout Amit Agarwal  :
            Amit Agarwal holds an Engineering degree in computer science from I.I.T.and  has previously  worked at inc for clients like Gold man  sachs and merrill 2004,Amit quit his job tp become indias first and only proffetional blogger.

I n 2010 ,Amit lunched india blog school, a non_profit intiative that aims to spread blogging culture in india. He is the curator of india blogs, a directory of indian bloggers.

    some of his other tech projects include  Zero dollar movies, Sleeping Time,Hundred Zeros,Podcast Gallery,Tall TWEETS,RSS Search,HTML MAIL,Online Dictation and the Adsence Sandbox.
     Amit authors the hugely and award_winning digital inspiration blog where he writes how_to guide s a round consumers softwereb and mobile apps .He is developed Several Web APPs and google ADD -ons including mail Merge for G mail.

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