google algorithams

                                         GOOGLE ALGORITHAMS.....

  Definition of: Google algorithm

The formula Google uses to rank the resulting Web pages from a user's query. Along with the PageRank system that was Google's major contribution to evaluating website importance due to popularity, Google uses numerous other criteria that change periodically to deliver more relevant results as well as to prevent people from gaming the system. For example, if one criterion were the quantity of identical words in the page, search engine optimization (SEO) specialists might embed multiple occurrences of the word in the page that are invisible to the user but not to the search engine spider that crawls the Web. When Google finds that people are doing excessive "keyword stuffing," it may lessen the value of that criterion in the overall mix.
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Image result for google panda images
google panda
in february 2011

....GOOGLE  algoritham having different types 
     1. google panda penguin hummingbird pigeon moble_friendly update payday loan algoritham pirate


*Google panda is a change to google's search results ranking' algoritham that was first realesed in february 2011

*this algoritham is used to reduce rankings for low_quality sites which are low_value add for users ,copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very use full at the same time 

Google launched the Penguin Update in April 2012 to better catch sites deemed to be spamming its search results, in particular those doing so by buying links or obtaining them through link networks designed primarily to boost Google rankings. When a new Penguin Update is released, sites that have taken action to remove bad links (such as through the Google disavow links tool or to remove spam may regain rankings. New sites not previously caught might get trapped by Penguin. “False positives,” sites that were caught by mistake, may escape.
Image result for google mobile friendly update
mobile friendly
Image result for google penguin update

 It’s the name of the new search algorithm that Google is using, one that Google says should return better results.
So that “PageRank” algorithm is dead?
No. PageRank is one of over 200 major “ingredients” that go into the Hummingbird recipe. Hummingbird looks at PageRank — how important links to a page are deemed to be — along with other factors like whether Google believes a page is of good quality, the words used on it and many other things (see our Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors for a better sense of some of these).
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humming bird
Launched on July 24, 2014 for U.S. English results, the “Pigeon Update” is a new algorithm to provide more useful, relevant and accurate local search results that are tied more closely to traditional web search ranking signals. Google stated that this new algorithm improves their distance and location ranking parameters.
Image result for google pigeon
pigeon update

On April 21, 2015, Google released a significant new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm that’s designed to give a boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google’s mobile search results.
The change is so significant that the date it happened is being referred to by a variety of names. Here at Search Engine Land, we’re calling it mobilegeddon, but sometimes it’s also referred to as mobilepocalysemopocalypse or mobocalypse.
      videos of all google algorithams
       thank you   ........

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